
Liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat from different areas of your body.

Liposuction offers a smoother and improved body contour, slimming and reshaping it for an enhanced selfimage. Liposuction contours the silhouette and reduces overall body size for those with areas of fat that won’t go away with weight loss or exercise.

Liposuction removes localized areas of fat like the abdomen, back, flanks, neck, arms, thighs, and knees using a small thin tube, known as a cannula, connected to a vacuum suction device.

Liposuction can be performed simultaneously on different body areas or with other procedures such as facelift or neck lift, breast reduction, arm lift, thigh lift, or tummy tuck to achieve the best results.

Note: Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss.


Who is the right candidate for an abdominoplasty?

The ideal candidate for liposuction is a patient in good health, of average or mildly above-average weight, with good skin tone and elasticity, who has localized areas of fat that are resistant to exercise and diet.

Areas commonly treated by liposuction are the neck, breasts in female patients, gynecomastia in men, arms, abdomen, back, buttocks, hips, inner and outer thighs, knees, and calves.

Liposuction is not an effective treatment for patients with loose skin. It may also help improve cellulite’s appearance but cannot treat it completely.


How is liposuction performed?

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure under local or general anesthesia.

Local anesthesia is reserved for small liposuction areas.

Several small, subtle incisions (3-4 mm) are made around the area to be treated. A tumescent solution (a local anesthetic which numbs the area for several hours and is mixed with saline and epinephrine) is injected to help expand and firm the fat, facilitating its removal.

During liposuction, Dr. Karl Schwarz gently breaks up and removes excess fat using a small cannula connected to a suction device. At the end of the procedure, a dissolving suture is placed in each small incision, and a compression garment is applied. The procedure lasts one to two hours if several areas are treated.


Recovery after liposuction

After liposuction, you can expect mild pain and swelling for a few days. You almost always will require an oral analgesic to minimize pain and experience a safe and painless recovery. After liposuction, bruising is to be scheduled for 2 to 3 weeks. You will leave the operating room wearing a compression garment and should wear it continuously for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery to help reduce swelling. This will speed up recovery and promote a flatter, firmer body contour.

You can shower the day after surgery and return to work in the following days. Sometimes, when a large amount of fat is removed from a specific area, Dr. Karl Schwarz may place drains under the skin to speed recovery. Numbness of the skin is common for a few weeks after surgery.


What results should you expect?

Although most patients see results immediately, it takes about three months for all surgical swelling to disappear and for the outcome of liposuction to become evident. Liposuction results can be long-lasting, provided you maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.


Curious about liposuction?

Are you ready to define your silhouette? Find out if you are a good candidate and explore the possibilities at Clinique K with Dr. Karl Schwarz.


Why choose Clinique K to perform the procedure?

The state-of-the-art facility, ultra-modern operating room, and warm, welcoming, relaxing setting.


If you have any questions, our warm and highly qualified team is just a click of a phone call away.

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