Use the wonders of your own body to heal and rejuvenate your skin

Did you know that we can rejuvenate and brighten your skin by using your own body’s proteins? Regenerative Medicine Therapy (RMT) treatment, sometimes referred to as a Vampire Facial, uses your own blood to improve the appearance of wrinkles, scars, sun damage and even dark circles under your eyes.


What can I expect?

RMT is rich in growth factors and proteins that stimulate collagen and promote regeneration of skin cells. It is used to improve dark circles under the eyes, skin tone, and fine lines. You also will benefit from increased firmness and smoother texture.

The RMT procedure

A small amount of blood will be drawn from you. While the RMT is being prepared, your skin will be cleansed and prepared for the treatment. The RMT can be injected directly into the skin or it can be applied topically. The procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes total and requires no downtime. Mild swelling and redness will fade within 1-3 days. Bruising, if it occurs, can last a few days.

The RMT comes from your own body, making it a very safe procedure with few possible side effects!

Curious about RMT?

RMT can change the look and quality of your skin from within. Find out if you are a good candidate and explore the possibilities at Dr. Karl Schwarz’s Clinique K.

What about RMT for hair loss?

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